climb in, lean back. feel the leather on your back. grab the stick, get a chill. you ready for the coming thrill. 0-60 in under five. but there ain't no room to drive. take your place in grid-lock hell. chorus: it's the road to reality, millions do it endlessly. like a mutant centipede. grown huge by an endless feed. spewing d**h, it rolls along. singing out an endless song. while smog clouds billow out and the air turns from blue to brown. climb high, look down see the air's turned a blackish brown. what was once a scenic view has developed a sickly hue and the auto's appetite insatiable delight. us humans gasp for air. rolling on without a care. it's a place to call yer own. a place to be alone don't have to see a face. no voice to invade your space. listen to the engine hum. it's a spell you can't overcome. and to the price, you pay, just drive away. now i don't say dump your car. it's here to stay, that i know. but there must be a better way than the rush hour way to go. everyone can make change share a ride, catch a bus. it could be the difference. (chorus)