[Verse 1: SPIEGS] Aaron Jaeck, please get the f** out of Racine You give me a headache just by hearing you speak You look like a human brick when you walk around school Don't make me remind you about that time I dropped you You s** at volleyball I hope you get cut Your grades might not s** but you're stupid as f** You think you get girls but its all in your head Oh wait there's nothing in your head cause you're stupid as f** Everything I'm saying right now is true Go cry to your mom like you did when I dropped you Your mom's my lawyer she settles my cases all the time I'll have her slap you, that's a victimless crime You make her frown, you're a huge disappointment She wanted a girl but you still managed to make that happen You look like Fred Flinstone Need to take mirror selfies in order to feel cool Shoes are your life cause you have no friends I watched you fall, now watch me transcend [Bridge: SPIEGS] I can roast you harder than anyone I know You don't even know what else is in store About to get shredded harder than ever before
Go home before I start a two-person war I'm the rap game Edgar Allan Poe Your face looks like a f**ing big toe Aaron ugly duckling go quack in a lake Mary had a lamb and her name is Aaron Jaeck [Verse 2: SPIEGS] You ruined Model UN entirely Go s** on your binky you big baby I might s** at rapping but you s** at winning Go back to the giraffes in Africa cause that's where you should be living (long neck) You got a fat nose, look like you're Pinnochio Your face looks like a pepperoni pizza, Palermo's You're getting nothing but flamed by Mr. Pancake You want a rematch then meet me down by the lake Cause I'll drop you like a bag of twigs You look like a grandma in a cheap a** wig You're so damn ugly someone please call the police Just kidding, things like that can just be left on the street [Outro: SPIEGS] This is my closing speech Aaron Jaeck is nothing but among the weak You think your diss is gonna top this masterpiece but I can roast like a turkey for thanksgiving feast