É sesso represso il movente della tua lotta Un frutto maturato-esposto-marcito Orgoglio sbandierato su macerie di slogan Isolato nel tuo ghetto di autocommiserazione Solo più ipocrisia la tua ideologia Uguaglianza sconfinata in supremazia Tu non vuoi confronto, ma netta separazione E l'uomo-carnefice non ti prende in considerazione Guarda cosa fai Dimmi perché lo fai Oggi dove stai? Cosa ti precluderai? FEMMINISTA DI MERDA!!! Repressed s** is the prime motive of your struggle A fruit ripened-displayed-rotted Pride flaunted on rubble of slogans
Isolated to your ghetto of self-commiseration Only hypocrisy = what's left of your ideology Equality trespa**ed in supremacy You don't want comparison, just radical separation And that man/executioner** doesn't give a damn about you LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TELL ME WHY ARE YOU DOING IT WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON TODAY? FROM WHAT ARE YOU GOIN' TO PREVENT YOURSELF? YOU FEMINIST sh*t!! = man-executioner seen as c*nt-thirsty macho, the typical object of so called "liberated women" 's hatred