(Children Singing) Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? The big bad wolf? The big bad wolf? Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? The big bad wolf? The big bad wolf? First Verse (Crazy): Dear God I wish that Malcolm X was still alive Bein' black, in America, it's hard to survive History, teach us how to lift our voice and sing We see what happened when we tried that sh** with Martin Luther King On the balcony he bled, just for us to be free Just like Jesus bled on the cross for you and me Huey Newton taught us Black Power hold up your fist While we murderin' one another, the government's rich But we still ain't learned yet, thou shalt not k** You gotta answer to Jesus when blood gets spilled Ever since we were brought here from Africa One way or another it's been a ma**acre Homies get throwed away when they mess with that yola Wanna see if slavery exists, take a trip to Angola I see how they use the same plantation I'm tryin' to spit the game to my young nation, feel me now! Chorus (Children singing & Edward West): We're beggin' Jesus, hopin' that you feel me
Abortions happen every day..... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME We're beggin' Jesus, hopin' that you feel me Abortions happen every day..... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME Second Verse (Crazy): Marcus Garvey had a plan to lead his people to freedom But I guess that the Klan felt like we didn't need him So they shipped him back to Africa, right here on our docks I learned that, from my Dogg named Joseph Lotts Farrakhan scream revolution, I'm right by your side m**ms and Black panthers, it's all black pride Three days after Jesus died, he had arisen Just like Nelson Mandela comin' home from prison Homies in jail screamin' "FREE ME!", it sounds so sad Remind me, of that slave owner's house too bad Against all odds still, I fight to be free From this white slave mentality instilled in me And try to learn about our roots, brothers you and me That's why Jesse Owens was runnin', cuz he wanted to be free But you wouldn't understand cuz I guess that we lost This whole damned world got us brain-washed, feel me now! Chorus