Nature made man out of monkey according to scientific history
Nature made man out of monkey according to ancient history
But it took a beautiful woman to make a monkey out of me
She'll give you a sweet talk and great big hug and squeeze
She'll give you a sweet talk and great big hug and squeeze
And before you know it, man that woman have you climbing trees
Now you take old Samson, he was the strongest man
Now you take old Samson, he was the strongest man
But you know Delilah made him shave his head, just as clean as his hand
You can be strong as an ox, or as big as a whale
You can be strong as an ox, or as big as a whale
But when that woman gets through with you, all you need is a tail
According to scientific history
So it was told to me
It took a thousand years for nature to make a man out of monkey
But it took a very short time
For woman to make a monkey out of man
You don't need a map of the world or a blueprint to understand