Being the beast in this chaos To march in solitude towards the old unknown goal The instinctive reactions to the smells around Arouse the senses and feed the superiority And in solitude find strength The sound reasoning on a level that frightens most Falls into place and Motivates your needs, your deeds As the thoughts flow by in cut up pieces but merge together In a web of self-awareness In the same room but always watching from the outside Those objects... in solitude
The flesh is consumed and destroyed outside paradise The shadow set up to create a longing for something That we don't even know, if we seek or crave Wandering downwards, deeper inside to be able to view it all with new eyes Entwined with all these sweeping shapes who try to grab us Crawling closer and closer to eat our inner selves Twisting our strength And fight that which stands at our gates With bloodthirsty mouths open wide "Perinde ad cadaver" To Myself only