Nobody ever dreamed to be bad. But bad boys are naturally born bad. The s**m that produced them is bad. It was rotten eggs that formed them. They caused great pain during labour to their innocent mothers. Bad boys are naturally born bad. Their society in which they were born is an absolute bad background. Their is on one holy in the land. Everyone is a bad example for bad boys to emulate bad characters. Any bean stored in the mist of bad beans must chaose from good to bad one. Those who didnt grew as bad boys
were made bad by bad boys. The bad spit into their eyes so that they will blindly join the train of bad beings. The saints that pa**ed through bad world are not naturally born perfect. But they submitted to God who alone is good to cleanse away their bad nature and give them the truth,way and life. Our surrounding is bad. Our air,food,water,clothes and homes are also bad elements that lead us to be bad. Let us embrace God Almighty who can preserve us from being bad as he did to Blessed Virgin.