This is the greatest non-fiction. Who on earth will believe her action? My chick,who was like my security agent; who strengthened me at lent. Now became a jackal. Desiring me a basal Is this not the highest form of irony? My friend,companion and crony, at my back "bless" my name by gossiping an extra negative fame about me,her lover. I thought she is a real flower. Even Abraham will not believe; this kind,type,form and category of deceive.
It sounds chinese film in nature. Ananians is the feature. Someone I hugged and kissed. Now to me,she hissed. Ah! I am the living dead the suffer head,the poor head. Eureka wasnt as surprised as me. Earnestness love should be. Yesterday,my sweet sugarcane that took away my pain. Today,the number one antagonist, who attack me,the protagonist. Tomorrow is transparent darkness. It either be happiness or still sadness.