He draws his horses
Pretend your anger
And draws his horses
Being chosen also
Please get up
Fall, please get up
Fall, please get up
Don't ruin yourself
So see and hear
Sultitan itan
So see and hear
Plain tiger iger
In my heart
Set you right up
In my heart
I sing this song
Back you up
How messed I am
Back you up
I consider
So he got up
I must see him
I must see him
And all got up
Sore got he
Apalled got up
Apalled got up
I'm in this song
So see and hear
Sultitan itan
So see and hear
Plain tiger iger
Other sources say that the lyrics are a pseudo Latin as follows:
Endrosis - osis
Lotella - ella
Endrosis - osis
Vivigeossa - ossa
Melitaea phoebus hyale phoebus hyale cloeyessa
Melitaea phoebus hyale phoebus hyale nossinussa
Sesia - ia
Sultitan - itan
Sesia - ia
Totella - ella
Hymaea saturnia hymaea nossinussa
Vacua venessula vacua nekitella
Tuphia vanessa venessa enovalla
Sacyare oponalla oponalla hynia**a