Days go by and all I feel is
distance between you and
I. I wish time was on our
side like we were younger,
'cos I long to feel that
closeness, I need to keep
that hunger. But all I see
is people giving up and
moving on. Society acts
like a creative time bomb
'til the child grows and the
dreamer dies. I'm afraid it's
just a fact of life; these days
of youth won't wait around
forever (whoa). These days
of youth could teach us
more than ever to bring
this world together. Better
worlds can only be cre-
ated by better versions of
ourselves. 'Cos our dreams,
hopes, schemes are fading
out of sight it seems. But
don't let those feelings
pa**, get inspired and find
a way to make the feeling
last! These days of youth
won't wait around forever
(whoa). These days of youth
could teach us more than
ever to bring this world to-
gether. You say, "It's a fact
of life. The child grows and
the dreamer dies."
You say, you say, "The child
grows, the dreamer dies".
Well we say, we say, time
waits for none, so dream
on! Dream on, you dreamer,
dream on, dream on! Dream
on, you dreamer, dream on,
dream on! I dream in spite
of you. I dream in spite
of you. I dream in spite of
you. I dream in spite of you.
These days of youth won't
wait around forever (whoa).
These days of youth won't
wait around forever (whoa).
Fuel your drive! Inspire
your mind!