We saw the bodies float towards our shores
Bloated and missing bodyparts, blue faces of drowned children
Women with faces deformed from attacks of feasting beasts
In our hearts was no pity for suffering of non-beings
We saw ice cover the families in crowded small holes
where the had found futile shelter hidden in ruins of once civilized lands
Circle of vultures in the sky equivalent of star of bethlehem
Leads us towards the site of worship to find the old altars
This alter of sacrificial is not shrine one would look in awe
Many men look down in shame and regret but gods roar in thirst for more
All this human flesh slowly deformed – decay that swallows this disease
In our hearts was no pity for the extinction of non-beings
Where is the burial site of humanity?
For we have seen its star rise
In form of vultures circling in sky
…in final mockery of man’s decency.