Letra de Smoke and Strong Whiskey: Kids wear white garters, and smell like their mothers Whose husbands and fathers alike Drink black beer in the same public houses Smelling of smoke and strong whiskey. Mammies and daddies, skipping ropes Lectures from priests, living in hope That they've not mistaken the brand of their coats They've paid for by spiritual teachings. A busy year this, streets running red How many sent to their nuptial bed How many sent home to a winter of graves How many wait in for the slaughter. It's Easter again, and we cannot forget Our brothers and sisters and all that was said So practise your pipes, stand proud in the wet. For the eyes of the world are upon you. CHORUS Oh, oh, the holy ground Céad mile failte, there's saints and there's scholars to see
Oh, oh, the holy ground Faraway hills ain't as green as they once used to be Seveteen years, Kelly is a man Who stands on the street with a gun in his hand He's protecting the pipers that play in the band While the enemy waits with an army. God in his mercy has given us men To lead us to peace but they can't bring an end To the profits that pay off the lease on the land We're still sending them over the water Dia le hÉireann, s**le the empire. Dia le hÉireann, suffer the loss. Of the green and the blue while the media feeds On the blood and the pain and the hatred. Father walks home on a colourless night The organisation has blinded his sight His wife and his kids are sleeping tonight In the arms of sweet Jesus and Mary. CHORUS x 2