INT. DEPARTURE GATE, SYDNEY - DAY Saito stands looking out the window at a 747. Cobb arrives beside him. They watch a COFFIN being loaded. COBB: If I get on this plane and you haven't taken care of things... when we land I go to jail for the rest of my life. SAITO: Complete the job en route, I make one phone call from the will have no trouble clearing immigration. INT. FIRST CLASS CABIN, 747 - CONTINUOUS The luxurious cabin has only ten seats. Cobb finds his- sees Ariadne in the seat behind his. They do not acknowledge each other. Behind her is Arthur, looking out the window. Eames enters, STUFFS his bag into the overhead bin, BLOCKING the pa**enger behind: ROBERT FISCHER, standing there, patient, bag in hand, wearing black. EAMES: Oh, sorry. Eames SQUEEZES up against his seat to let Fischer BRUSH PAST. Fischer moves to his seat, directly in front of Cobb. Eames TOSSES Cobb a PASSPORT. Cobb flips it open: Fischer's. Pockets it. Yusuf and Saito enter, take their seats. EXT. RUNWAY - MOMENTS LATER The 747 HURTLES down the runway. INT. FIRST CLASS CABIN, 747 - MOMENTS LATER Cobb looks down at his hand: a TINY VIAL taped to the center of his palm. He removes the cap. The seatbelt sign goes dark. Cobb unbuckles, stands. COBB: Excuse me? Fischer looks up. FISCHER: Yes? COBB: I think this is yours... Cobb holds up the open pa**port, comparing the picture to Fischer. Fischer's hand goes to his pocket. Cobb hands Fischer the pa**port. FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Would you gentlemen care for a drink? FISCHER: Water. COBB: Same.
Fischer gives Cobb a thin smile. Holds up his pa**port. FISCHER: Well, thank you. COBB: No problem. Look, I couldn't help noticing your name. You're not related to Maurice Fischer? Fischer takes a beat. But Cobb seems harmless. FISCHER: Actually, he was my father. COBB: I'm very sorry for your loss. He was an inspiring figure. The Flight Attendant brings their drinks- Cobb takes them. COBB: Thanks. As he turns to Fischer he LOWERS his right hand ... a CLEAR LIQUID DROPS into Fischer's water as Cobb hands it to him. COBB: To Maurice Fischer. (they drink) I'll leave you in peace. Fischer grants him a smile. EXT. 747 - LATER The great plane SOARS through a burning cloudscape. INT. FIRST CLASS CABIN, 747 - MOMENTS LATER Cobb reaches into the overhead for a blanket- lets it fall onto Fischer's head- Fischer doesn't flinch. ASLEEP. Cobb SIGNALS the others. The First Flight Attendant unlocks a CUPBOARD in the galley, then leaves, closing the curtain. Arthur moves into the galley and pulls out a MECHANISM CASE. Cobb and Arthur open the mechanism- uncoil the tubes- feed them around the window side of each of the seats. Arthur rolls up Fischer's cuff- PUSHES the needle cap into Fischer's wrist. Arthur pulls Fischer's cuff down and hides the tubes behind the armrest of Fischer's seat. Arthur runs the next tube to Ariadne. Cobb puts the case on Yusuf's lap. Yusuf checks the TIMERS, tapping the syringes. The others recline their seats. Yusuf HITS A bu*tON- closes the case- places it at his feet. He settles back, and we-