Feel the heat, Love the show, Energy of audio. Slam your fist, Bang your head, Feel the ba** until you're dead. Rush the stage, Shout out loud, Mosh and push and ride the crowd. Ears go "RING" Heart goes "POUND" Stomp your feet Into the ground. Lights explode, Speakers crash, Dance to my industro-thrash. Had enough? No not yet! I pound on my guitar fret. Jump up high, Fall down hard, After we're done you'll be scared. Grab the bar, Hold on tight, Don't give up
without a fight! Blood and sweat on my brow, Shut up! You're in my world now. Formation to attack, I look like Jesus Christ on crack. So much heat, So much pain, Million watts aimed at your brain. Pump it up, Louder still, Power of decibels k**. Cannot breathe, No more room, Feel the ba** sub-woofer boom. Sweat will spray, Blood will fly, Survive this or you will die!