k** it!
That's always your answer, isn't it?
If it offends you, close the door...
Tell someone else to k** it
So honeybun, any recommendations?
Suggestions on how to k** it?
A spoon, maybe?
The hairdryer?
Hey! how about a really long straw?
As long as i don't s** too hard, that is!
k** it!
Maybe it leaves a stain
Tell you what: why don't we go and have coffee somewhere
And by the time we're back, maybe it's gone!
k** it!
We could move...
This place is a pit anyhow!
The landlord's a nazi!
Imagine. no posessions
That's what john lennon said...
And you know how much you've always liked john lennon
k** it!
There are two of them now...
Approximately 2,000 gelatinous eyes
Focusing on nobody...nothing in particular
One of them is dripping down the side of the bed
Onto the floor which i had meticulously cleaned only yesterday
k** it!
Look, why don't you k** it?
It's always me that has to play the grim reaper...
It's against nature!
Live and let live, say i!
We're all god's creatures, goddammit!
k** it!
One of them is seeping under the door...
And nobody notices
One of them seems to be fondling the receiver on the phone...
Nobody notices
One of them is dripping into the tv...
Nobody notices
One of them appears to be copulating with the toothpaste...
Nobody notices
k** it!
Why don't we just burn the place?
Nobody's gonna care!
Nobody's gonna know who did it!
k** it!
I don't want to (?) k** it!
You k** it!
Hell, i wouldn't even k** a l'il ol' fly!