The winds of chill December sound The farewell of the year And evening shadows gather âE˜round And cloud the soul with fear But rest you well good Christian men Nor be of heart forlorn DecemberâE(tm)s darkness brings again The light of Christmas morn âE˜Twas when the world was waxing old And night on Bethlehem lay The shepherds saw the heavâE(tm)ns unfold A light beyond the day Such glory neâE(tm)er had visited A world with sin outworn But yet more glorious light is shed On happy Christmas morn The welcome snow each Christmastide Falls shining from the skies On village paths and uplands wide All holy white, it lies It crowns with pearl, the oaks and pines And glitters on the thorn But purer still the light that shines On gladsome Christmas morn The shepherds poor, how blest were they
The angel song to hear In manger cradle, as he lay To greet the Saviour dear The Lord of heavâE(tm)nâE(tm)s eternal height For us a babe was born And He, the very light of light Shone forth that Christmas morn The chapel lights above the snow Do warm the coldest chill And manger scene, by candle glow Inclines us to goodwill Ablaze in wonder and in awe As every heart adores But brighter still, the light that falls On gladsome Christmas morn And oâE(tm)er the child a guiding star Shall lead us into peace And still in souls, that childlike are His guardian love shall be Oh then rejoice, good Christian men Nor be of heart forlorn For unto you, in Bethlehem The Son of God is born DecemberâE(tm)s darkness brings again The light of Christmas morn.