On the eve of a crucifixion, one man spoke to his peers His words were proud, his words were true Models for the evolution of his plight Adamant his quest, his resolve attested Immolate his cherished life to desist the trickery Intended to echo for centuries Disobedience responsible for his destiny His words are heard to put an end to the treachery found in the faith Man must be told he is the exploited Too much a threat to their necessity Messiah pacified Silence the man, silence his words
The future remains ignorant Stoic to man made sins, fearful of reprisal Centuries of lies, sleep buried in the sand Present days curiosity, the sleeping prize Ascends the ground to mesmerize The ultimate deception, victims of inveracity Minds ama**, the translation The aftermath, d**h of the hierarchy Confess the guilt, acknowledge years of perjury Never exalt in their supremacy Too much to lose, nothing to gain Messiah pacified