Reflection of a long rotten Distorted soulless harmony A vision that is best forgotten Moribund to misery Sacred rites in soulfrost - decrying of my innermost Harvest on the emotional field - barren and dehumanized Cultivated profanity - ideal soil desolate Bleeding myriad demi-beings - outliving d**h Drag me to my knees screaming A dirge for my weeping soul The Underworld, devoid of believing Lower divinities died unwhole The spine of time lies scattered Shattered on my molten wings Black soul's dawn twilight d**h Just ashes on my unclean breath A spiral stairway, descend into gray Mortality pa**ed into decay
Religious path leads astray... away Trapping for infernal soul The privacy of my Hell Illusion from a bunted mind's imagination Reminder of our sins Meets me with a smile Bleeding eyes of the infant Christ Bloody tears stigmatized my fears The falling was pushed, into the muddily ground To the Netherworld, where dawning souls... Drown Broken, Line Between life and d**h divine Deceased, stillborn To a new beginning, I go... False, temptation Towards the Underworld I'm drawn Reflection of a long rotten Distorted soulless harmony A vision that is best forgotten Moribund to misery