Happy llama, Sad llama, Mentally disturbed llama, Super llama, Drama llama, Big fat mama llama. Llama, llama, llama, who is this big llama? Starting all this drama? It's me b**h. Yes, I am that llama, That llama you despise, With those big a** eyes, And them luscious thighs. I mean, yes look at me I'm that l-l-a-m-a that doesn't even f***ing care What you have to f***ing say, oops! Happy llama,
Sad llama, Mentally disturbed llama, Super llama, Drama llama, Big fat mama llama. Back to the basics, I'm that b***h on craigslist That looks like a rapist. Wait, why am I on craigslist? Oh yeah, to buy a llama That will be my new mama. Mama, llama, Mama, llama, Llama, llama, Mama, llama, Hold up! Wait a minute. [X4:] Llama, llama, shining, shining, looking like a diamond, diamond