Wake up, my boy Put on some clothes And keep on going till you're dead or old You see, life's about d**h and d**h's about life Don't challenge the system, it ain't worth the strife Speak up, my boy Make yourself heard You're just a vegetable when you don't say a word You see, talking's the key, listening's overrated There ain't nothing to hear but politics and radio Start reading those books, boy Get yourself learned Use your time wise, though you've plenty to burn You see, you read while you're young and write when you're old Take the knowledge you're forced, only play when you're told Drink up, my boy Rum, rum, rum, rum, rum You're too young to worry, yet too old for fun You see, advice can only take you so far in life's fight But take a few shots and you're set for the night Take the train downtown Sport some nice clothes And don't stop working till you're dead or old You see, all work and no play makes you a rich boy Spend the big bucks and show off your toys Find a girl, my boy And make her your wife Make sure you get along well, 'cause, well, you're stuck for life You see, love ain't that important, it's just what they say Just find a good b**h who won't get in the way Have a son, my boy Pa** on the name Forget blocks and letters, raise him for fame
What he wants don't matter, take it from me 'Cause you ain't worth a damn without a legacy Finally, my boy You got time to rest Till boredom or sickness leads you to d**h You got the freedom that you yearned for as a child But your smile's gone; you're too old and tired So you sit in your wheelchair At the end of the hall Drooling on your bib and wondering how it all Went by so Fast Well, I'll tell you, my boy I just found out myself We wrote our lives in chapters on scattered shelves You see, life ain't in paragraphs, phrases or words It's in every single letter of one big book It's all you've ever seen All you've ever dreamed All you've cried for, laughed for, Shouted and screamed For And you ask, my boy "What's it all mean? The crying, the laughing, those fleeting dreams?" Though there's a pretty big chance that I could be wrong I think you've listened to me for far too long We're just making our way Through an endless train With no real conductors, only some self-proclaimed We're all searching for the best path to the caboose But the end don't matter, it's each car's view It ain't too late To have a look, my boy So have a look, my boy And choose your own Caboose