White is the mark of this sighting, black is its soul Dark is the soil where it haunts upon Jesus Christ! You were never capable of protecting these desecrated woods Shadows over Lammendam Shadows over Lammendam It's the point of d**h's return for a grand castle there once burned Once burned Something is following me! Yet there's no one I see as I walk the old pathways near the woods Near the woods A murderous identity is staring from the trees Now I realize that I have trodden spectral sanctities Wandering through forests and dreary fields, I think I'm lost Yes I'm lost Cannot describe this horrendous fear, I think I'm cursed Tricked and cursed
Suddenly I stumble onto a forgotten sanctuary A tomb of a castle scorched by time, bound to the entity that is determined to take my life Here comes the night! Nocturnal threnodies and funerary thoughts of my d**h-bell clanging through my mind.. Overwhelmed by approaching dark sounds Listen to the devilish anthems of a shrieking ghost when the moon's full and round All that's left is a shallow empty moat There where my rigid body floats through a cold void what Dutchmen call 'dood' 'Dood'! 'Dood'! 'Dood'! No one in the village knew, why disappear? Wish they knew my corpse was here! Shadows over Lammendam No return, no return from Lammendam!