Captain Beefheart - lyrics

Top Captain Beefheart lyrics

Best Batch Yet
Captain Beefheart


Bellerin' Plain
Captain Beefheart


Be Your Dog *
Captain Beefheart


Bat Chain Puller
Captain Beefheart


Autumn's Child
Captain Beefheart


Ashtray Heart
Captain Beefheart


Captain Beefheart biography

Born Don Vliet, Captain Beefheart was one of modern music's true innovators. The owner of a remarkable four-and-one-half octave vocal range, he employed idiosyncratic rhythms, absurdist lyrics and an unholy alliance of free jazz, Delta blues, latter-day cla**ical music and rock & roll to create a singular body of work virtually unrivalled in its daring and fluid creativity. While he never came even remotely close to mainstream success, Beefheart's impact was incalculable, and his fingerprints were all over ... Show more