The Lieberman Who can take your problems, make 'em seem ok? Who won't work past sundown or at all on Saturday? The Lieberman (The Lieberman) The Lieberman can (The Lieberman can) The Lieberman can 'cause he mixes it with chutzba and a goyomobe? The taste of his defeat Wasn't all that sweet In fact, it tastes a lot like spinach You know that there are places in which I couldn't even beat Kucinich Who lost in 2000, dropped out in '04? Who wants to write a book and then get big and fat like Gore? The Lieberman (The Lieberman) The Lieberman can I'm So Pretty See that guy who's second in Iowa Who can this John Edwards guy be? Nice than them all Such a Southern drawl Here's a guy with flair And a head of hair I'm so pretty Oh so pretty In each city I'm drawin' your glance And I'm skinny That's from chasin' every ambulance He's so charming And disarming Slightly smarmy But pretty and nice It's a pity he won't win But I'd be nice for vice! Kerry Baby So Electable Modern NATO General I am the very model of a former NATO general An anti-war four star commander, and I'm also liberal I proudly served in Vietnam, I'm tested and I'm battle scared I'm like that guy who stayed in Texas hiding in the National Guard I know Herzegovina, and I'll spell it 'cause I'm clever too
I'll bet you that is something that George W could never do My military knowledge is superior and so astute Unlike the current president, I own my very own flight suit (Unlike the current president, he owns his very own flight suit Unlike the current president, he owns his very own flight suit Unlike the current president, he also owns his very own flight suit) I am the perfect candidate as you can see I've got it all Although I've spoken my position on the issues not at all In short, in matters economic, national and liberal I am the very model of positions that are general Gay Dean Believer We all love Vermont It's the one state if we want To make a civil union, it's ok Now it seems we've lost a friend But his campaign had to end We're on our knees and begging him to stay Cheer up, Howard Dean See how much it means To a gay Dean believer And a homecoming queen People loved you more When you got support from Gore It helped you with those Southern guys a lot But those rednecks weren't for you They didn't love you like we do Though we think that Southern guys in trucks are hot Queer up, frumpy Dean Get an ab machine And we'll be right behind you If you know what we mean... Shout