Hello, I'm Senator Dianne Feinstein! We are here tonight to discuss the new attorney general Senator John Ashcroft. Senator Kennedy would you like to make a statement? Uh, well I would just like to say that I, uh...Well, that is, the women of America know that they have a friend in the senior Senator from Ma**aquitic, and, uh, Chapachusetts, uh...Now, we have noticed a certain pattern... Uh, excuse me, thank you very much, Senator Kennedy. We will now hear a statement from the new attorney general John Ashcroft! I see sins I lend throughout the nation Life begins At Senate confirmation
Don't you love the right-wing fringe? When we eat, our jaws unhinge Now that I'm Attorney General, I might Give power to the loonies of the right We prefer our ice hockey teams With no left wing If you jay-walk three times Strike three, you're out How we love every dying baby seal In a cream sauce, it's a tasty little meal I get vexed when two men are romancing Don't like s**, 'cause s** can lead to dancing Now I know you may have read That I lost to someone dead And my seat was taken by that dead man's wife I guess that is the reason I'm pro-life