Hi there. Bill Clinton here. Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I've had to move out of the White House, which makes me a little sad, but I feel like I've taken so much with me. You know, silverware, desks, central heating units... And now, the end is here And so I face a life uncertain And friends, though some may cheer It's been real fun, with lots of flirtin' I've chased each bra that's full Flowers and jones, they were my heyday I stood tall, I chased 'em all Don't care what they weigh Yes there were times, more than a few When I know you thought I was through But through it all, I felt your pain And never once did I complain Even when Starr said, "Fill this jar
The DNA way..." Friends, it's been a good eight years, but it's time for me to move on. And as any outgoing two-term president must, I think now about my legacy. How will I be remembered? And I'm not the only one thinking of this. Many people have come up to me and said, "Do you think that a statue of Bill Clinton will be erected?" And I say, "Well, of course, I mean it wouldn't be a statue of Bill Clinton otherwise!" So now I'm done stickin' a fork I'm just the spouse of Ms. New York And if I cross my Hillary She'll treat me like a dog, you see To keep me home, so I don't roam It's not long 'til I'm spayed