Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton! Clinton: Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. It is such a pleasure to be here tonight. I am so delighted and happy to be here to introduce our new President, Barack…oh who am I kidding! This is my year, people, it should have been mine! That being said, please help me welcome President Barack Hussein Obama! Obama: Hillary, thank you for that enthusiastic introduction, and welcome to my administration. I hope you're happy with your new position. Bill: Well, wait a minute, wait a minute, did I hear someone say there's a new position? Why haven't I heard about this? Clinton: No, Bill, see, what Barack is saying is that since he gets to be the leader of the free world, I should be happy being what so many women before me have been – a secretary. Obama: No, actually what I was saying is that Hillary will play an important part in my administration. I've invited her to sit on my right hand. Bill: So much for the circulation in your right hand. Hey Barack, I understand that when you were taking the oath of office, John Roberts stumbled on the word "faithfully." Kind of reminds me of my wedding vows.
Obama: Well, now it's time to look to the future. I'm hoping that, as a member of my cabinet, Hillary will support my enormous stimulus package. Bill: Well, good luck with that. But since the three of us are here, I mean, I know that's not the good kind of three-way. But perhaps we could all work together, for the good of the party. Clinton: Ebony Obama: And ovaries All: Is the ticket to liberals destiny Obama: Just like Alex Rodriguez, yes sir Both: We've got chemistry Bill: Hill, you know, folks say that he's untested Wherever he goes, He'll need lots of help, and expertise To get things done from day one in his new White House Clinton: His resume's thin Bill: Like an Olsen twin Obama: Bill, you did campaign for me Is there some way to thank you personally? Bill: Just how soon can you send her somewhere, please That's overseas? Obama & Clinton: What could possibly go wrong now I guess we soon will see