Tea Partier 1: The government wants to take over my health insurance Tea Partier 2: Mine too. Tea Partier 1: I'm annoyed! Tea Partier 2: And I'm annoyed! Tea Partier 1: And we're... Tea Partiers 1-2: A pair annoyed! 1: Our eyes have seen the gory and the bloody healthcare fight 2: And believing every rumor is America's birthright Is Obama just like Hitler? 1: Well, both of their moms were white 1-2: Make sure Fox News is on! Glory, gory paranoia Health reform it will destroy ya It's a big socialist ploy, yea The truth is so far gone 1: We'll descend on each town meeting, call each congressman a putz 3: My name's Filbert 4: Hazel 5: I'm Pecan 6: Pistachio All: We're nuts! 1: Soon health records will be on a chip
1-2: Implanted in your bu*ts That you'll be sitting on Health reforms, we will resist ‘em US rankings, we've dismissed ‘em 37th best health system We beat Azerbaijan 2: I'll send emails to my Congressman, tell off that low-life troll On my iPhone I'll send him a note that's full of vitriol 1: Yeah, I think you're typing that on your TV remote control 2: What channel is he on? 1: Illegal immigrants will get big bags of cash when they are sick 2: In the House, Speaker Pelosi's trying every ploy and trick 1: To persuade those Blue Dog Democrats, she called in Michael Vick 1-2: Is this health care's swan song? Glory, glory new d**h panels This will go down in the annals Of reasons we should change the channel When our TV is on!