Hello boys and girls. It's time for another government lesson for little children. Our second story is about Jack Abramoff: This is the House that Jack bribed. This is the cash from Abramoff's stash inside of the House that Jack bribed. This is the member who couldn't remember if he took some cash from Abramoff's stash inside of the House that Jack bribed. This is the tribe who paid for the bribe to give to the member who couldn't remember if he took some cash from Abramoff's stash inside of the House that Jack bribed. This is the plane they all took to Spain with funds from the tribe who paid for the bribe
to give to the member who couldn't remember if he took some cash from Abramoff's stash inside of the House that Jack bribed. This is the john they flushed money down after taking the plane and going to Spain with funds from the tribe who paid for the bribe to give to the member who couldn't remember if he took some cash from Abramoff's stash inside of the House that Jack bribed. How will this story end? When he rats out his friends! Those officials we trusted, now some will get busted, but friendships, they'll resume, when they all share a room in the big house that Jack filled.