For those who won't And never will Song sung blue No one at home And time to k** Song for the beautiful loser She would hide at the parking ride Glued up to the gills Hides her cigarettes and s** and appetite for pills She's a shell of her former self Bad nature laid on the shelf And the honeymoon's wearing thin It's a sign of the state we're in A stolen heart Broken apart Song for the beautiful loser Sweet sixteen A kiss too far Song sounds blue And she was glad when her dad Got locked out for good
Teaching love by lashing out with anything he could She's a shell of her former self Bad nature laid on the shelf And the honeymoon's wearing thin It's a sign of the state we're in She would hide at the parking ride Glued up to the gills Cigarettes and easy s** and a bellyload of pills She's a shell of her former self Bad nature laid on the shelf And the honeymoon's wearing thin It's a sign of the state we're in Song for the beautiful loser Song for the beautiful loser Song sung blue Song sung blue