Follow down into my lair rotten smell, they smoke their weed there her heady weed hits the air I awake, from my coffin I stare shaking hands, their bowl has fallen to me this night, the pot has callen I awake from d**h to toke it hand from the ground, now I claim and smoke it Smoke it give to me, I wait and lie graveyard slaughter, must get high must get you dead skull I split and scalp I peel blazed as sh**, can this be real stoned as sh** now flesh I crave for my munchies it's your brain I save my coffin waits, I throw you in decomposing, still my session will begin
you scream at me, I rip your throat sprinkle PCP and smoke on that boat soon it hits my brain, deep within for rigor mortis stiffness, it does the trick it does the trick loosened up now, I tear you to shreds staring at you madly through these eyes that are red red loosened up now, I tear you to shreds staring at you madly through these eyes that are red stoned as sh** now flesh I crave for my munchies it's your brain I save blazed as sh**, can this be real skull I split and scalp I peel staring through my eyes that are red