Lying in the middle of the square Stretched out on the stone Exposed to the public sight There is such a terrible beast Admire the sanguinary creature! By now inert however our authoritarian revenge Desire that will offer no revenge but relief Wolf that in the Milanese Have devoured children in plenty The Barona heard their cry Heard your frightful voice Admire the Ferocious Beast dead in the moor! By now inert however our authoritarian revenge
Desire that will offer no revenge but relief 1530 Porta Lodovica wept Out of the graveyards the dead Dreadful, miserable! "If it saw you first You would lose your voice" Ferocious Beast is dead Beast encroached on its territory Plundered its nourishments Hang the dead wolf! Additional punishment Sentence that, yes, makes no sense but rea**ures them Unappealable verdict that must be carried out!