11/4/13: Today, in Mocking-Jay, I read the part where Katniss tries to give another speech, but she breaks down instead. She realizes what the capitol is doing to Peeta and she starts sobbing about it. She seeks out Haymitch for comfort and he tells her that they sent out a rescue team for Peeta. She asks who all went, and he said about 7 people and one of them was Gale. This information didn't really help her emotional state, it kind of made it worse. So now she is worried about Peeta and Gale. 11/5/13: Today, in Mocking-Jay, I read the part where they are doing another interview, but it is more of a story to try and get more sympathy from the rebels. She starts by telling her story of how she met Peeta on that cold, rainy day. Peeta's family worked at the bakery and he burnt some bread and saw katniss outside starving minutes from d**h and tossed her the bread. Finnick also tells his story of how he was a slave for the capitol. After that Peeta is finally rescued. 11/6/13: Today, in Mocking-Jay, I read the part where Katniss gets to the room where they have Peeta. When she sees him she is so excited that she runs up to him, arms out wide. He runs toward her too, but instead of hugging her, he starts to strangle her. It turns out, while he was in the capitol being tortured, they injected him with tracker-jacker venom while they played videos that were lies to show Peeta that Katniss was a bad person. They were pretty much messing with his memories, and now he hates Katniss and thinks that she is a mutt.
11/7/13:Today,in Mocking-Jay, I read the part where Katniss is still upset about Peeta and Gale finds her and talks to her. After they talk, Gale kisses Katniss again, and she lets him. By this time she is pretty desperate for comfort, and I guess this is the closest thing she could find. After all of that, she is sent to district 2 for the whole rebellion thing. 11/8/13: Today,in Mocking-Jay, I read the part where Katniss is still in district two and has to give a speech. Something happens in the center of town, people start to come in with guns and other weapons and start to shout, Katniss finds one guy that is injured and tries to help him. He pulls out a gun and points it at her, she is scared but she gives her speech anyway, the man doesn't shoot her, but someone in the crowd does. Finnick and Annie also get married after all of that is over.