Hear that Sam, turn the lights down low
Pull that dirty piece of rubber, way above the floor
All your chicks take off your shoes
We're gonna play some real low down dirty blues
That's my landlady knocking on the wall
Jack she's that mad because we're having a ball
Now I'm justing paying the rent, and she wants to sleep
I'm gonna jump this jive jack all this week
Now wait a minute folks, we're gonna pa** the hat
Now don't put in any pennies cause I ain't going for that
We're gonna send them to the corner and get another fill
And everybody in this house is gonna take another nip
Now when all you cats leave I'll be just as quiet as a mouse
I'll be so lonesome in this rooming house
Now I guess I'll get back into the groove
Because I know next week, I'm gonna have to move
There's that old woman again knocking on the wall
All right all right mums, all right mums, we're gonna take it easy
We're gonna take it easy
All right you don't need to knock any more
All right you don't need to have to knock any more
Play it on Daddy O, Play it on Daddy O
I know doggone well I gotta move out of this room next week
But I'm ready, so help me I'm ready
Cause I had myself a solid ball, a solid ball