Tobias is standing in the corner of the gym, staring down the diagonal path of blue mat he is about to take; cracking his fingers, then ankles, and finishing his ritual by standing on the tips of his toes. Then he's off. Tobias take two steps and hurdles with his hands up by his ears, turning ever so slightly to the right so his hands hit the mat perfectly making a T-shape. He squeezes his legs over his body and then squeezes them together just before they hit the ground. He's now in a squat-like position for a millisecond before using the momentum he's built up to send his body backwards. He then hits a handstand position before quickly using his abs to snap his legs and feet back down to the mat. Continuing the momentum and power he's built up, he sets high with his arms by his ears sending him high into the air. While in the air, Tobias quickly wraps his arms tightly around his right hip and tucks his head close to his right shoulder forcing his body to twist. While doing this movement he also hollows out his hips, which send his legs over his head and back towards the ground. When his feet finally land on the mat again, he sticks his landing by squeezing every muscle in his body. Tobias then proudly stands up tall and receives a high five from his coach along with minor adjustments that he needs to make to improve his form. He has just completed a round off, back-handspring, full-twisting layout.
Long blond hair rests a little past my mother's shoulders, a remnant of her wild teenage days. Her eyes are a deep brown, almost black in this picture, but they look warm and endearing. They look inviting and almost as if they are smiling at the person taking the picture more than her actual mouth is smiling. Her smile is soft, hiding the imperfections in her teeth. She has no need to be self-conscious, because to me she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I can tell that she was happy when this picture was taken, or at least she is acting as if she were happy. Her face is flush with color, maybe because she just got done laughing at a ridiculous joke told by my dad or grandma. Her pointy nose contrasts well against her soft chin and deep brown eyes. Her arms wrap around a redheaded baby in her lap. The way they are wrapped around me make me feel like she would do anything to protect me. Her shoulders are following the movement of her arms and she is leaning into me. Her posture isn't great; she looks relaxed and happy. She's wearing a plain white t-shirt with a diamond cross around her neck and diamond studs in her ears. It is beautiful and expensive j**elry, but she wears it in a way that seems calm and subtle instead of pompous.