Boom-baba, boom-baba, Boom ba-boom, ba-boom, Whoa, oh-oh, umm-umm-umm-umm-umm-umm, Boom-baba, boom-baba, Boom ba-boom, ba-boom, Yeah, oh-oh, I'm a Jungle Man, Yeah'm a Jungle Man I been out in the jungle, Fightin' with a lion, You may heard my records, Lord they're playin' 'em all the time (Down where the drums go boom, baba-boom, baba-boom, mm-mm,) Anybody see me, sure bout to meet their doom Cause I'm, the Jungle Man, (He's the Jungle Man) It's three thousand miles, Past the river's edge is my home, Deep back where the shadows dwell, Down a trail of bones, (Out where the drums go boom, baba-boom, baba-boom, mm-mm,) Anybody see me, sure bout to meet their doom, Cause I'm, the Jungle Man, (He's the Jungle Man) Don't tread here in this jungle, If you isn't 'pared to die, I'll break you bold pretenders,
What ambition lure you out.. (Down where the drums go boom, baba-boom, baba-boom, mm-mm,) Let's take 'em on down the jungle.. (Anybody see him, sure bout to meet their doom) Cause I'm, the Jungle Man (He's the Jungle Man) (bird noises) Whoa - oh -oh-oh, Oooh, oah Whoa -oh-oh-oh, Oooh, oah Ooooh.... I makes my records, In a one roomed jungle shack, Seeking olden vision, Carve a trail into the black (Down where the drums go boom, baba-boom, baba-boom..) Anybody see me, sure bout to meet their doom, Cause I'm, the Jungle Man Look out! Look out! Look out ! Look out! .. "the footprint's indicate he was seven feet tall".. I-I'm, the Jungle man (He's the Jungle Man) I'm the jungle man, (He's the Jungle Man) I'm the jungle man (He's the Jungle Man)