The notes escaped his window
as his bow met the string
They floated gently downward
to her ear, and she began to sing
Their notes entwined in midair
as a hidden piano chimed in
A base voice, then a trumpet
as the symphony was to begin
The sounds in their world
mixed with those of the street
Forging a tune of life
as the city's heart began to beat
The Sun had risen here in the city
as two cats fight, one black, the other tan
Honk your horn three times cabby
and rattle it louder, Mr. trash man
The fiddler and the soprano
will never know the touch of the others hand
Fear holds them within their world
afraid to seek the other out, and perhaps take a stand
The city will mirror and their song
long into the dark of night
Neon brings life to the nights scene
as the tunes quiet to a whisper, to ease their pain and fright
Close the window Mr. Fiddler
and lock out the soprano's clear sweet voice
They lived but three floors apart
'twas fear that ruled, and not his hearts true choice