---------------------------------------------------- Genre ---------------------------------------------------- Character Creation The character creation in Destiny is fairly limited and purely aesthetical. The graphics are stunning, but there aren't very many options to choose from when it comes to hair style, hair color, skin tone, eye type, eye color, etc. You may feel like your character is just a preset model, but armor helps differentiate your toon. There are 9 current race/cla** options, with more likely to be added with expansions. Cla**es: Titan Hunter Warlock Races: Human Awoken EXO ---------------------------------------------------- Weapons Weapons in Destiny come in 3 different categories, split up into 9 different kinds of guns. The 3 categories are Primary weapons, Special weapons, and Heavy weapons. All weapons are futuristic in their shooting and aesthetics. In typical MMO fashion, all weapons are on a scale of rarity, from white to purple, and then yellow (exotic). White is common, green is uncommon, blue is rare, and purple is legendary. Primary weapons Auto Rifle
Pulse Rifle Scout Rifle Hand Cannon Special weapons Sniper Rifle Shotgun Fusion Rifle Heavy weapons Machine Gun Rocket Launcher Story Missions Strike Missions Devil's Lair ---------------------------------------------------- Planets Planets are the different open world areas you can travel to. Some, like The Tower, serve as a hub of operations. But most of them serve as a giant open world for you to decimate enemies and complete missions on. Each planet brings a new environment into the mix, and diversifies the game experience. Planet/Location List Europa Devil's Lair Earth Mercury Jupiter Saturn Old Russia Venus Mars The Tower Earth's Moon Enemies Captain Wizard Thralls Vandalls Dregs Shanks Bosses Devil Walker Sepkis Prime Soundtrack ---------------------------------------------------- Tips/FAQ: What is the level cap in the Beta. What about the full game? I keep running out of ammo! What can I do to remedy this?