Sure you can be trusted
With the less important things in life
Like when my back is turned
You won't stick me with a knife
You have access and keys to my place
And you wouldn't touch my cash
I'm sure my food won't be poisoned
And you'd never touch my stash
But can you keep your mouth shut
When others don't need to know
Are you full of unnecessary innuendo
Or do you get drunk and let it flow
You claim that no one's listening
Or that they're not smart enough to understand
Well I can hear you clearly
Cos when you're blabbing
Attention is what you demand
Most people aren't quite as stupid
As some of us would like to believe
And once they've got part of the story
They're not as easy to deceive
Sure you don't want to be forced
To make your life and trip a total lie
Gossip and exaggeration reign
People with no lives need a reason why
So why give them enough info
To make their wheels click
It's you that starts them thinking
In their heads the ideas stick
The less leads that you give them
Means the less they will want to know
If you don't help them to ask questions
Then the questions will never show
And blabbing about other people
In public or on the phone
Should easily get you shot in the head
As fast as they have known
So next you spill a friends secrets
Or in any way breach their trust
Just remember who you're screwing and
Remember that you're pushing your luck
Lyrics by CrazySteveGoof