BR Verse : Language comes with many forms There is a love language There's a money language War language, kind language Parental language, childish language In this language I'm informing hurtful truth The theme of this language Is a painful hot heat Love language Hot heat painful love Ashes after ashes dropped on the floor And smoke ascending on top Defining hot heat Love I set your heart on fire You set mine on Lightning I Light up your world Place a globe for you In a room full of people with quality You removed my light bulb And kursed my name In a room of opportunity
Leaving no bright inspiration behind No Candle that can give a glimpse shine around Stressful blessings that's disgusting to discuss Shameful dark intention in a day with disguise A scent of betrayal in the air Toxic conscious based on a tricky lust A mind game I already lost Stuck with weak cards to drop In a table of whiskey and cigars I'm giving up and taking the pain With the palm of my hand in a hot stove You won the jackpot Burned my being In a play of hot heat Love The pain for the rest of my life Is based on hot heat Love A Language of a Painful Love