Midnight comes and I am still awake My mind blazed with an anger by the calling of destiny A downpour of the rain, trunks of trees toss in the wind Raging windstorm attacks Shadows of the four horsemen who bring a destruction A vision of catastrophes of Nomad's raids A vampire of the Judaean breed spreads The madness of diphtheria, Armaggedon PRE-CHORUS It is the time to challenge to a duel your d**h comes -And my ressurection In the last hour in the flames of neverending pain -Of the Holy war So kiss the Wall of laments for the last time -Now comes the putting the Nazarenes to flight The sword of Israelites is broken CHORUS The LAST EXODUS -walls are falling
The voice of warning in a fiery day-break INTERMEZZO I In that day, unexpectedly Awatar comes, superman will Be born by the incarnation of Gods In a sound of thunder with The power, what a lightning has Following by the messengers of predestination Without mercy, new generation will raise into the new fight From the dust of the scenes of fire INTERMEZZO II Shadow of d**h in a flames of the last days of war Dark breath of smoke from burned cathedrals Night covered the graves of men with a black garb Chorus of fame will welcome the birth of a new day CHORUS The LAST EXODUS-walls are falling Voice of warning in a fiery day-break