(Sandra) Espania. (Caroline) Brasil. (Patricia) Mexico. (Hannah) Barbados. (Sandra/Patricia) Miami. (Alla, refr'ng) Viva the sun oh oh oh. We love the sun oh oh oh. Viva the sun, the beach la playa, playa, playa. (Sandra) Lying in the sun wearing my bikini. Just another lazy day. Waiting for my friends, coming to meet me. It's a wonderful place. (Yenny) Barbados. (Patricia) Brasil.
(Sandra och Caroline) Africa, Espania. Refr'ng (Patricia) Having lots of fun laughing in the sunshine. Happy as a girl can be. Everybody dance have a good time. Sun is music to me. (Sandra) Mallorca. (Alla) Rio, Mexico, Miami. Refr'ng (Yenny) Barbados. (Patricia) Brasil. (Sandra och Caroline) Africa, Sweden... (Hannah och Yenny) Sweden? Refr'ng 2ggr