Clavados! Con miedo de ir Chingados! No te dejan salir Podridos por f? de como vivir Tienen huevos? Qui?n va primero? P?sence Pa lo nuevo Vayan sin miedo P?sence Pa lo nuevo Vayan sin miedo Cruzence Esas fronteras Vayan sin miedo C?rranle Brinca primero Vayan sin miedo Yo voy primero! Mojados - all? no son gente Drogados - lo m?s potente Fronteras de mente por ser diferente "No seas pendejo, Qui?n va primero?" Muertos - en esta vida Listos - pa otra salida Gritos de gente que temen la muerte "Pa la otra vida, vayan sin miedo" [English translation:]
Nailed! With fear of getting away f**ed! They won't let you get out Rotted for faith on how to live life Got any balls! Who's going first! Pa** on through To something new Go without fear [X2] Crossover Those borders Go without fear Go for it! Be the first one Go without fear I'll go first!! Wetbacks - over there you ain't human Doped - the most potent Mental borders because your difference Don't be a fool, Who's going first? Dead - in this life Ready - for the other way out Screams from the people scared of d**h To the next life, go without fear