DJ: Caller, go ahead. Caller: Who do you think's gonna win? DJ: Um, who's gonna win what, sir? Caller: The game. The big sports game that, uh... I'm so pumped for it. Um, um, I'm sittin', waitin', for the big game. Who do you think's gonna win? DJ: Well, uh, it could go either way with sports. Caller: Yeah, I think so too. I, I think our team's gonna win. DJ: Yeah. Yeah. Caller: Yeah. Who, who do you think the big scorer's are gonna be? Do you think it's gonna be "the big guns"? Do you think "the big guns" are gonna come through?
DJ: You know, you never know... Caller: Sometimes, though, you know what, what's great is when the unexpected guys, they have a really good game. DJ: Yes. Sir... Caller: What do you think our chances are for the whole season? DJ: Well, you never know with professional sports, um... Caller: Yeah. W-w-we don't have a TV here out... at Millhaven.