A Bi-Centenary Poem Fear no more the heat o' the sun -its rays are filtered, every one. The fumes from car-exhausts and fires from dumps and furnaces aspires to poison heaven where the bird sings on a diminished third or totters from the well-sprayed tree replete with years and DDT. Now nature grinds her basic gears, the big-end knocks, the junk-yard nears… Now fish float belly-up downstream caught
by chemicals too vague to be fought, the forests sigh and fall, the hills blink baldly as the new winds chills, the gra**lands waver and are gone, the concrete Nothing blunders on, black gold fountains to the sky, the sands are mined, the sea-coasts die, the land runs ruin to our pride! Lord, give us, for our patricide, two hundred more years like the last and what shall then withstand the blast?