My brother finds comfort in calculators He a**igns every number a name He believes that they add up to certainty And he's upset with the fractions that remain So I examine the maps with my eyes and at best I can trace with my finger all the way To that town where she went an attempt to forget The cracks and the lines of my face So Jetsabel cleaned out the closets for me And she piled the boxes in the hall Tomorrow when she wakes she'll come take them away And they will never haunt me again But it is still hard to sleep with the moon's heavy beams I run barefoot to the backyard Just to freeze in my place by the wraught-iron gate Too ashamed and afraid to advance Today I walked through the snow and found a field of headstones They were in rows like the weeks on calendars Where each box is a day that you can't ever escape Without pills or the poison of sleep These memories leak from these faucets that weep Hot tears splash against the shower floor And I stand in the steam as if inside a dream I can see her again by the sink From behind the bathroom mirror she pulls a thermometer And placed it underneath my tongue
She said 'you are as pale as a sheet, you look awful my sweet Lay down and wait for the sun' So I stayed in that bed, she brought me water and read Each night from a volume out loud She whispered soft poetry Her favorite was 'Annabel Lee' And those words, like these d**, comforted me But the clocks kept waving their hands and she could not understand Why my temperature would never drop And although she promised with tears that she would always be here I heard truth like the sounding sea I said, 'My Arienette, oh how soon you forget This house will never be your home And you will leave in the fall when the trees become graves And their colors lie dead in the gra**' Gold and green torture me like the lies I believe too easily Oh my Jetsabel, look at this hell that I have made If you want maybe drop by sometime, put some flowers on my grave So that I will look beautiful in my silent sepulchre Yeah, that's fine, give the dresses away I don't want anything of hers For the moon never shines and the stars never rise Without bringing me dreams Haunted by the ghosts of those bright eyes