BRIAN WILLIAMS: The website for the president's new health care law is back up tonight after yet another technical problem over the weekend that prevented people from signing up for health insurance yet again. For many middle cla** americans who buy their own health insurance, there could be another frustration and that is sticker shock after some learned they must buy new policies that cover more but cost more as well. NBC's Peter Alexander at the White House for us tonight. Peter, good evening. PETER ALEXANDER: Brian, good evening. After weeks of questions about whether the ObamaCare website could be fixed and when many say that's masking the real issue -- how much the plans will cost. It was one of president obama's key selling points for the new health care law. [Video clip] PRESIDENT OBAMA: If you've got health insurance, it doesn't mean a government takeover. You keep your own insurance. Keep your own doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. PETER ALEXANDER: Debra Cabellaros, a realtor, has her own insurance. Her employer sent her this notice reading because of the requirements of the new laws we can no longer offer your current policy. DEBRA: All I want is what I currently have. I want to keep my doctors and I would like to have lower premiums. PETER ALEXANDER: The insurance company is offering her a new plan that would cost $484 a month versus her current $293 premium, a 65% increase. Why so much more? The Affordable Care Act requires all plans include ten essential health benefits from maternal care to pediatric services. The administration points out many people will get subsidies to help offset higher costs. Most traditional employer-based and government plans that roughly 80% of Americans rely on will not be affected. That millions will lose or will have to change their individual policies is not a surprise to the administration. NBC news Senior Investigative Correspondent Lisa Myers found buried in the 2010 ObamaCare regulations language predicting a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is 40% to 67%. Health policy expert Bob Leshevsky says the new rules make it difficult to carry over an old plan with less comprehensive coverage.
BOB LESHEVSKY: The problem with obama care and where we are at now is the obama administration has decided to implement this in a really rigid way. PETER ALEXANDER: White House officials insist they have always said insurance policies could change to offer more benefits and to emphasize the affordability. Tonight the administration says nearly half of all uninsured single young adults could get health coverage for $50 a month or less. BRIAN WILLIAMS: Peter Alexander at the White House for us.