I will not rise this morning or boss myself around Nor will I attend my daily chores Underneath the covers sipping ginger ale All the livelong day I'll stay indoors Today will be a day of rest, of medicine and broth Of sitting out the world of busy-do Today will be a sick day, quarantined at home With my hot water bottle and the flu I'll occupy my mind with a stack of various books And miscellaneous mildewed magazines Between some fits of coughing I'll ruminate and pine And lose myself in restless fever dreams Propped up on a pillow, a single piece of mail
A greeting card enjoining "get well soon" Today will be a day of rest, of thermometers and pills And idle convalescence in my room Jack Frost on my window, cascading flurries swirl In the twilight's melancholy hue Beside me on the nightstand, a vaporizer sings An aqueous lullaby the whole night through They say that faith can cure you and time heals many woes I'll sleep and be reborn when I awake Resume my happy duties and bear the easy yoke Tomorrow I'll feel better than today