An absolutely unquestionably imaginary man said,
“Let's play American Manhunt, a game of hide and seek,
I'll be famous fast and you'll have stories for a week.
I'll blow up my apartment, drive off in a Jeep,
You'll follow from above in your helicopter's seat.
I'll rush up mountains to throw you off my trail,
Set my Jeep on fire to further boost your sales.
You'll get a team together with twenty German Shepherds,
I'll leave 'em b**by traps: My undies laced with pepper.
You'll investigate the woods, check out all the cabins,
Peek inside of dumpsters—good images for blabbing
Nightly while I live off-land, army bowie in my hand.
I'll bushwhack toward the border of Canada and heaven,
You'll say, “The trail's gone cold, details at eleven.”
Up atop Montana I'll invade the Customs house,
I'll post it live on Facebook as I charge in, muzzles out.
I'll mow down all the cops, demand a wad of cash,
A Super Bowl commercial and a weekend cover splash.
You'll put it all together, I'll run outside out on cue,
You'll pump me full of lead and make a movie, starring you.”