i never felt so alone since coming home feels i got to be strong cause now she is... GONE!! now she is gone on account of these songs! cause now she is gone feel the sun rest on my back if i turn will it's rays reflect all the tears that have dried on my face coming home to an empty place for i know that she's not there but it seems that she's everywhere memories of a warm embrace filling my soul with heartache so is she GONE for life?! as her memory burns it's burning inside feeling ALIVE tonight as her memory burns it's burning inside it's gonna be a dreadful night to make the servant sleep and there's a wonder born a wonder born that's so deep who has to take away this pain tell me why i let this fragmenting
memories of a warm embrace is lighting my silohuette with so much heart ache cause now she's GONE tonight!! but her memory burns it's burning inside feeling Alone for life as her memory burns untill i Die! i'll be Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm Burning inside never felt so alone since i came back home cause now she is gone and i'm the one left here for LIFE tonight! as a memory burns it's burning inside feeling Alive tonight as her memory burns until i die i'll be Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm Burning inside i'm burning inside.... -whispering she's everywhere but she's nowhere-