Don't you know ... That a man without a woman Is like a ship without a sail A boat without a rudder Or a fish without a tail And a man without a woman Is like a wreck upon the sand There's only one thing worse in the universe That's a woman without a man Now you can throw a silver dollar Down on the ground And it'll roll because it's round A woman never knows What a good man she's got Until, he puts her down So listen, my honey ... give a listen to me I want you to understand That if you don't wanna be like a silver dollar You better be good to this man
You throw a silver dollar Down upon that ground And it'll roll because it's round Yeah ... a woman never knows What a good man she got Until, he puts her down So give a listen, my honey ... listen to me I want you to understand That if you don't wanna be like a silver dollar You better be good to this man I ... mean ... If you don't wanna be like a silver dollar You better be good to this man One more time ... That if you don't wanna be like a silver dollar Woman ... better be good to this man ...